An Atari-inspired shooter game built purely through Object-Oriented Programming.
Java:      100%
A recreation of a von Neumann-based CPU architecture that reads, inteprets, and executes Y86 instructions.
C:          96%
Makefile:    4%
A simple x86-based operating system by Ben Pfaff with implemented priority thread scheduling, system calls, and argument passing.
HTML:       45%
C:          38%
Perl:       13%
Makefile:    2%
A terminal-based spreadsheet program that is able to store a variety of evaluations, expressions, and functions.
Ruby:      100%
A recreation of the Hill Cipher algorithm that implements encoding and decoding strings.
Java:     100%
A flask-based web application that accesses and updates a remote PostgreSQL database designed from the ground up.
Python:     44%
Jinja:      44%
PLpgSQL:    12%
A simple yet elegant calculator for online use.
JavaScript: 86%
HTML:        9%
CSS:         5%
Non-linked projects are private repositories due to university honor code. Contact me for further project inquiries.