Joseph Pogoretskiy


My name is Joseph Pogoretskiy. I am a JMU Computer Science major with a passion to push the boundaries and access of modern-day programming. Welcome to my website!

Notable Projects

An Atari-inspired shooter game built purely through Object-Oriented Programming.

Java:      100%

A recreation of a von Neumann-based CPU architecture that reads, inteprets, and executes Y86 instructions.

C:          96%

Makefile:    4%

A simple yet elegant calculator for online use.

JavaScript: 86%

HTML:        9%

CSS:         5%

A terminal-based spreadsheet program that is able to store a variety of evaluations, expressions, and functions.

Ruby:      100%

Quote of the Day

"The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other is by music."

- Jonathan Edwards